Users & Groups configuration settings

    To access Users & Groups configuration settings:
    1 Open Mac OS Server Admin and log on to the server you want to configure.
    2 Press the Users & Groups button and choose Configure Users & Groups.

Failed attempts before log on disabled

    This option promotes security by preventing unauthorized users from guessing passwords. If a user's account is disabled, an administrator needs to allow the user to log in.

Minimum characters in password

    Longer passwords are more difficult to guess. To promote security, select this option and set a minimum length of five or more characters.

Days until passwords expire

    This option promotes security by forcing a user to change his or her password periodically.

Get Users & Groups from another server

    WARNING: If you select this option, existing user and group information on the server will be deleted.

    Server Address:
    Type the primary server's IP address or DNS name in the Server Address text box. (Also make sure that your secondary server has a valid IP address.)

Expire or Download All

    If users change their passwords on the primary server, the new information is updated on secondary servers when one of the following occurs:
    the time you specify expires
    you download all changes to the secondary server
    a user tries to log on to the secondary server with an incorrect password)

    Cached Users & Groups expire in __ hours:
    After the information expires, users cannot log on to the server using the old information. When a user logs on, the server obtains updated information from the primary server.

    Expire Now:
    Click this button to expire user and group information immediately.

    Download All:
    If you've made many changes to users and groups on the primary server and want all information to be updated on secondary servers immediately, you can download all users and groups at once.

    IMPORTANT: Downloading all information takes considerable time. For example, downloading 4000 users may take up to 20 minutes. Server performance may be impaired on primary and secondary servers during download.


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